Create online surveys faster with all the necessary visuals from your DAM library right at hand with for Google Forms.
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Now it’s easier than ever for marketing and product teams to develop and distribute online surveys, work more efficiently, ensure brand consistency, and keep teams in sync.
Using digital asset management solution you can have all your online surveys centralized, easily accessible at any time, and simple to search and share for distributed teams to work productively. The software works on top of Google Drive and compliments your Google Forms, providing immediate access to your media library.

How will you benefit from and Google Forms integration?
    • Embed visual content from your media library into Google Forms and illustrate the shared survey in seconds
    • Browse and search your media library without leaving your Google Form
    • Find your materials easily thanks to advanced search & the tree of collections
    • Access required visuals right from your media library and embed them into the Google Form in seconds
    • Customize your shared surveys with branded features like logo, company details, predefined text labels, images, etc.
    • Create your branded forms templates, save them back to and store for the future use

Becoming a’s user you will also benefit from:
    • Centralization of all your digital files in one place on top of Google Drive 
    • Easy access to your data at any time - find required files in seconds using keywords and metadata functionality
    • Sharing any assets with colleagues, clients, and partners 
    • Brand consistency across all company’s documentation 
    • Security of digital assets and customized access for teammates and partners

How does add-on for Google Forms work?
    1. Open a new survey where you need to add images or background 
    2. Choose for Google Forms in the Add-ons menu and search for the necessary image. 
    3. Mouseover on the asset you want to add and click on the ‘Insert’ button to embed the required file as an image or set it as a background.

Any team can benefit from for Google Forms. If you illustrate your surveys with images and/or require their customization following the branded guidelines, this add-on will help to keep your brand consistent and streamline team productivity. 
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Visa och hantera dina formulär i Google Drive
Visa och kör externt webbinnehåll i meddelanden och sidofält i appar från Google
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