Onboard new employees, connect with coworkers, recognize great work, and help managers lead better to drive employee engagement.
Pozycja zaktualizowana:2 czerwca 2023
1 mln+
Drive Engagement With Our All-In-One Employee Experience Platform

Onboard New Employees
Help your employees start their journey with your company on the right foot using automated onboarding solutions including checklists, new-hire surveys, and an interactive “who’s who” game.

Connect with Coworkers
Encourage your employees to get to know each other on both a professional and personal level with a dynamic org chart, interactive directory, fun employee profiles, and other features that keep your people connected.

Improve the Manager-Employee Relationship
An employee’s experience is largely affected by the relationship with their manager. Empower managers to better engage with direct reports with automated one-on-one meeting management solutions for productive, outcome-driven meetings.

Celebrate & Recognize Wins
When achievements are celebrated, employees are more likely to give their all and view their work as vital to your company’s success. Publicly applaud great work and employee milestones in a genuine, non-competitive manner so that the actions that get rewarded, get repeated.

Diagnose Disengagement
View insightful analytics to identify gaps in the employee experience, review survey results, and see how your people interact with Pingboard’s features for connection, recognition, and other parts of the employee experience.
Dodatkowe informacje
CenyBezpłatny okres próbny
Polityka prywatności
Warunki korzystania z usługi
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Przeglądanie, edytowanie, udostępnianie i trwałe usuwanie wszystkich kalendarzy, do których masz dostęp w Kalendarzu Google
Wyświetlanie grup w domenie
Wyświetlanie jednostek organizacyjnych w domenie
Wyświetlanie informacji o użytkownikach w Twojej domenie
Wyświetlanie podstawowego adresu e-mail Twojego konta Google
Wyświetlanie prywatnych informacji o Tobie, w tym tych udostępnionych przez Ciebie publicznie
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