capture multi-account, multi-currency expense to journal and split the entries to another tab, ready for user to set up multiple pivot tables for monitoring and analysis.
Fiche mise à jour le :23 janvier 2025
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Pivot Expense Split is a Google™ Sheet add-on designed for multi-currency and multi-account expense tracking. It provides a user-friendly form for entering expenses, which are logged in a journal. Splits are calculated based on user input and displayed in a structured tab, ready for creating dashboards with Google™ Sheets' pivot tables and charts.

FAQ - for details.

How to install?

1. Visit the Google Workspace Marketplace and install the Pivot Expense Split.
2. After the installation step 1 of  2, complete the additional setup step 2 of  2

How to use?

1. Log expenses, transfers, or settlements in the Input form.
2. Use the dashboard to track balances, such as available cash and owes/owed amounts.
3. For credit card expenses, update exchanged amounts in the Journal tab and run "Resplit Journal" to update all balances.
4. For foreign cash exchanged before trip, split the cash exchange to the base currency for members to settle (see use case 1)
5. For changing the split, update the splits in Journal tab and run the "Resplit Journal" (see use case 2)
6. Check the dasboard on owe/owed and enter transfer to settle.

Use Case 1

1. Alice organized the trip. Before going, she went to bank and exchanged JPY 150,000 with CAD 1,325. At the end of the trip, Alice wants to use that CAD amount to settle with Bob who used JPY 40,000 and Dave who used JPY 60,000.  

Solution: Alice can enter below to the input form:
From : Alice                To: 
Currency: JPY             ➽   CAD
Amount: 150,000        ➽   1,325
Split among: Bob=40000 Dave=60000

The owe/owed amounts in JPY on Alice, Bob and Dave will be exchanged to the CAD amounts accordingly.

Use Case 2

Dave ate a lot during the trip, instead of equal split, he wants to pay 10% more so that Alice who ate less can play 10% less.

Solution: Alice can go to the Journal tab, change all the equal splits from "Alice Bob Dave" to "Alice*0.9 Bob Dave*1.1" and run the resplit function. All owe/owed amounts will be updated.

Use Case 3

Alice transferred some JPY to Bob and Dave so that they can buy thing themselves. Bob and Dave input their expenses to the sheet. As organizer, Alice wants to keep tract of  how much JPY cash that they all still have.

Solution: Alice can go to the dashboard tab and find from the Account balance pivot table.

#SPCsoft #expense #bill #split #track
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