Add a template for pixel art to your Google Sheets™ spreadsheet. Enter numbers into a cell to fill with a color. Created by teacher and Google Developer Expert Alice Keeler.
Ficha actualizada:14 de marzo de 2024
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95 mil+
Información general
Pixel Art by AliceKeeler collects no user data, no PII. Inserts a new sheet into your Google Sheets™ spreadsheet with a grid of cells 21 by 21 pixels each. Enter a number or letter to fill the cell with a color. 

This is intended as a DIY creativity tool for making images via "paint by number." This is NOT intended to convert your images to pixel art. YOU MAKE THE IMAGE. 

Pixel Art by AliceKeeler is created by Google Developer Expert Alice Keeler. It collects NO user data. NO PII. Check out more of her Add-ons at
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Pixel Art by AliceKeeler solicitará los permisos que se indican abajo. Más información
Pixel Art by AliceKeeler necesitará acceder a tu cuenta de Google
Con este permiso, Pixel Art by AliceKeeler podrá:
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