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Make a planning board from Google Calendar events
정보 업데이트:2024년 2월 6일
호환 기기:
PlanBoard is a Google Sheets add-on that retrieves calendars and events from Google Calendar and creates and updates events in Google Calendar. Unlike Google Calendar, PlanBoard maintains a chosen fixed order of the calendars, showing what is still available for business.

A calendar can be from a person or an object. For objects, this allows for planning its rental or use, like of boats, apartments, holiday homes, equipment, vehicles, etc. For persons, work schedules can be created from individual calendars.

The calendars are shown against a horizontal timescale. Each calendar can be expanded to see its events. When collapsed, the events show as a timeline where the free periods can be seen clearly.

By selecting spreadsheet cells in a calendar in the planboard, you can create an event on the selected dates in this Google Calendar. A selected event can be updated to another date, time or calendar. Further details can be changed in the Google Calendar event, which is linked from the planboard.

The free version shows the events from the primary calendar associated with a Google account. The upgrade version shows all your calendars and the calendars shared with you.
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내 Google Calendar를 사용하여 액세스할 수 있는 모든 캘린더 확인 및 다운로드
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