is an online lesson planner that makes it easy for teachers of all grade levels to create, share and print their lesson plans.
36 млн+
PlanbookEdu takes the hassle out of lesson planning.  You can create and view your plans from any computer with an Internet connection.  You never have to worry about forgetting your paper planner or thumb drive with your lesson plan template.

Creating plans is simple to do, without sacrificing powerful features such as the ability to repeat a lesson and create re-usable templates.  

You can also attach homework or any lesson material directly to you plans and access it anytime.  Common Core Standards are integrated, allowing you to quickly tag a standard to a lesson.

PlanbookEdu allows you to turn in your lessons to your principal with one click or share a selection of your lessons with your colleagues or a substitute.

PlanbookEdu's interface is simple to understand, allowing you to be planning within seconds.  

Our support is second to none.  We read all emails and promise to respond within 24 hours, although we usually get back to you within an hour or two.
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