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Planio is engineered to make your projects more successful and fun! You'll see immediate improvements in planning and team collaboration. But don’t take our word for it... try it yourself, for free!
Дата оновлення:19 грудня 2024 р.
41 тис.+
Goodbye Chaos - Hello Project Success!

Planio is engineered to make your projects more successful and fun! You’ll immediately see improvements in your work, planning, and team collaboration. But don’t take our word for it... try it yourself, for free!

Task Management

Work on everything, from everywhere. At home, in the office with the whole team, or from anywhere in the world. Because we know what matters is the result, not the place. Less downtime, more productivity.

Projects & Workflows

Everything that you were looking for, all in one place and always available. Get at-a-glance progress summaries for all your projects. Pain-free collaboration with your team and clients.

File synchronization

Sharing and syncing as it should be. Everything and everyone is up-to-date, all the time. Put an end to version chaos.

Knowledge Management

Empower teams with easy access to the most up-to-date information. You’ll experience better customer service, product management, and increased competitiveness.


Notify, comment, discuss, and share documents & knowledge in one central place. Both internally and externally with your clients. No more e-mail overload. Less inconsistencies. Greater transparency.

Mobile & Add-ons

Everyday we’re working to make Planio better. You’ll notice the result from increases in mobility and new features like our iPhone app, invoicing, wireframing, and tool integration like Tortoise SVN and Git Tower. The results are obvious - more Planio, less work.
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