This app is a flexible player for SWF (game..) Flash file. Flash Emulator is a Flash VM and runtime renderer for the SWF files.
Tiedot päivitetty:20. huhtikuuta 2022
Yhteensopiva seuraavien kanssa:
9 t.+
This app is a flexible player for SWF (game..) Flash files. 
Flash Emulator is a Flash VM and runtime renderer for the SWF file format without Adobe Flash installed.

All you have to do is click on one of the icons and the game will open up. 
If you are bored you should definately add this app to your app list.
Even if Adobe's Flash is not installed, You can play Flash files by clicking "Play by Flash Emulator".
Play the games such as classic games, retro games, latest games, pacman, sonic, tetris, and other amazing games. 

You can play multiple flash games, and You can also select a SWF file from Google Drive™ to play a Flash file directly.
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