Plus codes are addresses for places where the streets are unnamed, or where there are no roads.
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Plus codes make location information easier to use. Instead of two long numbers (atitude and longitude) there's a single, shorter code.

Most people in the world live on an unnamed street. Plus codes were created so that these people can have an address, so that they can receive deliveries, access emergency services, register to vote – and more. Plus codes are open source and free to use, for any purpose, forever.

Plus codes are based on latitude and longitude, so they already exist everywhere. The location 47°21'56.0"N 8°31'29.3"E has the plus code "8FVC9G8F+6W".

Plus codes can be converted to plus code addresses. These use place names and a short version of the code: "9G8F+6W, Zürich, Switzerland". This form is easier to recognise, and the shorter code means people have less digits to remember.

This add-on for Google Sheets allows you to convert between location coordinates and plus codes, using a menu function and additional sheet functions:


You can also convert between plus codes and addresses using the menu and additional functions:


Plus codes use the Open Location Code algorithm, an open source Google project. See for links to the open source projects.

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Jerry Harris
June 13, 2023
The addon does not work. Perhaps I'm missing another step, but when I run the PLUSCODE_TO_ADDRESS() function on the example plus code (9G8F+6W, Zurich, Switzerland), I get an error that this code is not a valid code. Installation was confusing. I also am unable to create a code from a valid address.
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Nicxon Piaso
June 29, 2022
Thanks guys for showing me this application..Papua New Guinea 🇵🇬 has no street names and this is giving me an opportunity to test this out as a professional Mapper and Surveyor..I have used what3words,but since I am in the Local Guides program, I'll give this a shot here in Papua New Guinea 🇵🇬 and advocate on it here 📌🙏
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C Griffin
October 22, 2022
Useful in the boondocks. Always room for improvement, of course. But, it is gooooogl-eeem-provemental-is tic! Kudos!
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Ruben Engelbrecht
March 20, 2022
Easy to use and quick if you dont want to type a whole address
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Oya Şanlı
October 18, 2021
Your plus codes and maps' one look different.. this add-on is not working for X3FF+2Q Kadıköy, İstanbul (which I copied directly from Maps with its copy tool..)
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Prof. Biplab Biswas
September 15, 2021
Excellent App. All the Geographers, Geospatial Scientists and other location based services like post office, Emergency Services and Polices shall use it. This shall reduce the big and complex address into a single cell digits like PIN Code.
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A User of Plus Codes
October 26, 2019
Really needs to support "deg" in addition to "°", as many tools* which spit out GPS coordinates use deg by default. Being able to copy and paste lat/long from those tools is essential for minimal effort in converting. *e.g. Exiftool
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Justice beardy
April 11, 2021
Love it
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A User of Plus Codes
May 14, 2019
I copied a plus code right from Google Maps but this add-on could not give me the GPS coordinates! Error: "MG94+P9" is not a valid code
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April 15, 2021
good good
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