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More than 500,000 organizations have used Podio to run projects, CRM and all kinds of business specific processes.

★ A fresh take on collaboration
Podio organizes and connects everything you work with. Work is structured – so everyone knows what they're supposed to do, while always keeping sight of the bigger picture.

★ The hub for all your work
From Google Drive and Dropbox, to GoToMeeting or Zendesk – Podio links all your tools together. Combined with built in chat, task management and calendaring, Podio’s the only place you need to look.

★ Completely customizable
Everything on Podio can be tailored to suit your workflows. Pick and choose the features you need, rename them to suit your team. You won’t be held back by restrictive software again.

★ Google Apps Integration
Turn emails into Podio tasks, directly from Gmail, with the Gmail task plugin. Also, bring files and Google Docs into your Podio workflows, with Podio's Google Drive integration.
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