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Polaris Office HWP allows you to easily and quickly open hwp, hwpx files on Google Workspace & Google Drive on web browsers.
Pozycja zaktualizowana:6 czerwca 2022
Współpracuje z:
185 tys.+
Quickly open hwp, hwpx files on Google Workspace & Google Drive by linking the Web Hangul(HWP) released by Polaris Office, selected by 100 million people all around the world. It's very convenient for users who need to open hwp files without Hangul(HWP, HWPX) viewer.

* It saves time as there's no need for Hangul(HWP, HWPX) viewer installation on Google Workspace, Google Drive to open hwp, hwpx files.
* It opens hwp files without any conversion that it's optimized for hwp files with tables, images, or pictures.
* It provides secure file viewing without file update to our server. 
* The users can zoom in/out with the slide menu, and the zoom in/out ratio can be set with -/+. It provides high rendering quality.
* It offers feature find that the user can look for text and go to what he/she is looking for. (Ctrl+F, Command+F)
* Documents can open easily and quickly on PC as well as on mobile devices.

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Aplikacja Polaris Office HWP będzie potrzebowała dostępu do Twojego konta Google
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Wyświetlanie, edytowanie, tworzenie i usuwanie tylko określonych plików na Dysku Google używanych w tej aplikacji
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