What-if analysis tools (goal seek & data tables) for Sheets.
Listelemenin güncellendiği tarih:26 Eylül 2022
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12 B+
Genel Bakış
Ponder is a what-if analysis add-on for Google Sheets. What-if tools allow you to explore the potential results of your spreadsheet formulas.

With the Goal Seek tool, you can determine the input necessary to achieve your desired result (i.e. goal). Goal seeking is commonly used to answer what-if scenarios such as:

◆ How large of a mortgage can I get if I want my payments to be $1000/month? 
◆ What rate do I need if I want to pay $200/month on my auto loan? 
◆ How many items do I need to sell to break even?


With Data Tables, you can quickly create a set of results based on one or two input variables. For example, using the PMT formula, you can quickly create a table showing:

◆ Mortgage payments at various rates
◆ Or, mortgage payments at various rates across different starting loan sizes

** Ponder currently only supports Goal Seek and Data Tables, but I plan to add other what if analysis tools (e.g. scenario manager) soon. ** 

You can help support the development of this add-on by buying me a coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/sheetsify
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