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Enhance your writing in Google Docs™ with the Thesaurus add-on from Quickly find and apply the most popular synonyms and antonyms to refine your work.
Listing updated:December 10, 2024
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Power Thesaurus for Google Docs™ brings the strength of a leading community-driven thesaurus——right into your document. Seamlessly enrich your writing with a diverse range of synonyms, antonyms, and definitions, all conveniently accessible as you work.

Key Features:

* Vast Vocabulary: Explore thousands of synonyms and antonyms sourced from an active community of language enthusiasts.
* Integrated Definitions: Quickly understand each term with easy-to-access definitions.
* Simple to Use: After installation, just reload any open documents and select Add-ons > Power Thesaurus > Home from the menu bar.

If you find this add-on helpful, please consider leaving a rating or review—it inspires us to keep improving! If you have suggestions, questions, or encounter any issues, feel free to reach out at

Happy writing! 🤩
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Power Thesaurus for Google Docs™ will ask for the permissions shown below. Learn more
Power Thesaurus for Google Docs™ will need access to your Google account
This will allow Power Thesaurus for Google Docs™ to :
View and manage documents that this application has been installed in
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January 7, 2025
Constant "Connection Error" message. Cannot fix. This has been going on since last month.
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Shawn “Synik” B.
November 23, 2024
As of 11/23/2024 - This has been broken for a couple weeks now. When searching for a term I get a connection error.
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Anne “Τοξικη μπαμπλη μελισσαα” En-é-mass
February 5, 2024
I'm a professional writer, but a few years ago, I had a brain injury and struggle to say the words I'm thinking of. Power thesaurus is now such a part of my life, it's on almost every feature, website and platform across every device. Freedom from advertising, clearly arranges without distractions and a fantastic range of Synonyms,Antonyms, definitions and so much more.
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December 19, 2024
I used to like it until it started to refuse to connect, and I can't use it anymore! One star!
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Christina Keathley
October 6, 2024
"Connection error" constant. Does not work.
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Kimberleigh Dixon
August 10, 2022
The difference between the good and bad reviews? The browser. Firefox vs Chrome. Chrome has the add-ons toolbar for easy access while Firefox does not. Its really annoying. But for Firefox users, you have to do a few extra steps. Go to your Drive home. Click the 9 dots up at the top. Scroll down until you find the thesaurus. Open it in a new window, and then you can go back and forth. Not sure if it really helps any more than just googling a word since we have to go to a different window anyway... but whatever. I guess it's still a thesaurus.
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Allison Walbridge
February 1, 2023
I can't figure out how to use it as pictured. It doesn't even show up as an extension. I see I have it installed but I can't use it? Bummer.
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Tracy Cui
July 21, 2023
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Damian Masters
September 19, 2023
Great when it worked, but now it's broken in Google Docs.
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Logan Stout
October 7, 2021
This is a very useful add-on. If you're tired of needing an additional webpage for your quick access thesaurus, this is the solution. That said, what it needs, is hotkey access. The more you use it, the more you see that takings hands off the keyboard, then mousing up to the add-ons, then navigating through the add-ons to the single control you'll usually ever need, that is unfortunate, and I hope the developer considers hotkeys as a future enhancement.
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