Enhance your writing in Google Docs™ with the Thesaurus add-on from PowerThesaurus.org. Quickly find and apply the most popular synonyms and antonyms to refine your work.
Listelemenin güncellendiği tarih:10 Aralık 2024
Şununla çalışır:
391 B+
Genel Bakış
Power Thesaurus for Google Docs™ brings the strength of a leading community-driven thesaurus—PowerThesaurus.org—right into your document. Seamlessly enrich your writing with a diverse range of synonyms, antonyms, and definitions, all conveniently accessible as you work.

Key Features:

* Vast Vocabulary: Explore thousands of synonyms and antonyms sourced from an active community of language enthusiasts.
* Integrated Definitions: Quickly understand each term with easy-to-access definitions.
* Simple to Use: After installation, just reload any open documents and select Add-ons > Power Thesaurus > Home from the menu bar.

If you find this add-on helpful, please consider leaving a rating or review—it inspires us to keep improving! If you have suggestions, questions, or encounter any issues, feel free to reach out at gdocs@powerthesaurus.org.

Happy writing! 🤩
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