Save time in the classroom with one login, and all your critical classroom management tools in one place.
29 mill.+
PowerSchool Unified Classroom™ 

Available for PowerSchool Unified Classroom customers only.  

Eliminate traditional tech silos and empower teachers to efficiently manage the classroom with more time for teaching and learning. With the award-winning PowerSchool Unified Classroom™, student-centric technology connects the classroom and home. Save time in the classroom with one login, and all your critical classroom management tools in one place. With Google Drive integration, students and teachers can upload and hand in activities and assignments from their Google Drive accounts. Teachers save time by grading google resources right in the Unified Classroom solution. Start using PowerSchool Unified Classroom for a seamless teaching and learning experience! 

Contact your school district administrator to download PowerSchool Unified Classroom. 

The Unified Classroom solution also includes the additional functionality (ask your district if these are enabled for your school or classroom): 

Unified Classroom Assessment: Easily build standards-aligned assessments and deliver them your way for key insights into student mastery. Create formative assessments, interim benchmarks, exit tickets, and more. 

Unified Classroom Gradebook: Grade faster with an intuitive and flexible gradebook that teachers can use anywhere, from any device. Visual reports make standards-based and traditional grades easy to score, review, and share with parents. 

Unified Classroom Learning: Bring learning resources together in one place to simplify instruction, engage students, and tailor learning for each student. Bring Google resources to your classroom with built-in integrations. 

Unified Classroom Special Programs: Meet the needs of students with learning differences in less time with simplified case management, collaboration for general and special products and education staff, and 100% confidence in meeting compliance requirements.
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PowerSchool Unified Classroom kommer til å be om tillatelsene som vises nedenfor. Finn ut mer
PowerSchool Unified Classroom kommer til å trenge tilgang til Google-kontoen din
Dette gir PowerSchool Unified Classroom tillatelse til å:
se, endre og slette filene du har på Google Disk, samt opprette nye
se, endre, dele og permanent slette alle kalenderne du har tilgang til gjennom Google Kalender
se og administrere tildeling av domener for kundene dine
se og administrere identitetshåndteringen for brukere på domenet ditt
se og administrere brukeraliaser på domenet ditt
se den primære e-postadressen for Google-kontoen din
se den personlige informasjonen din, inkludert personlig informasjon du har gjort offentlig tilgjengelig
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Google bekrefter ikke anmeldelser eller vurderinger. Finn ut mer om anmeldelser
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