Get 50% more clicks with forms, galleries, payment buttons and more for Gmail!
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Get 50% more clicks with POWr’s complete suite of plugins for Gmail! 
Write beautiful emails that get you more clicks by embedding POWr plugins for more engaging, stand-out content. Get started with a free POWr account and create your plugins in the POWr Editor. Add them to any Gmail in two clicks!

POWr is trusted by top global brands, including Anna Sui, Croc USA, Staples, Acer and Estée Lauder, as well as by hundreds of thousands of small businesses worldwide.

* Want to collect feedback?
Get 3x more responses by embedding an easy survey with emojis and star ratings directly into your email in two simple clicks. You can create any type of form you need!

* Want to share your pictures?
Create beautiful social media feeds from Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter and more, or upload your own images to create a custom grid or collage gallery. Then simply add them anywhere in your email!

* Collecting payments or donations?
Get paid up to 4x faster with a button directly in your email that recipients can click to complete a payment or donation via PayPal or Stripe.

* Need to give directions?
Helping people locate you is super simple with an embedded map that includes as many locations as you need!

* Selling products or digital downloads?
Close sales 3x faster by directly embedding your product gallery in your emails. All your recipients need to do is click ‘Add to cart’ to get going! You can even include price comparison tables for different packages!

* Want to improve access to information?
Embed your website FAQs in your email in two clicks to reduce inquiries and customer blockers.

No coding or programming required! You can create all POWr plugins totally free. Upgraded plans are available for advanced features.

If you need help getting up and running, we’re here to help! POWr offers a Help Center for answers, free support and our awesome team are available 24 hours a day.
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Gmail 부가기능으로 실행
외부 서비스에 연결
기본 Google 계정의 이메일 주소 확인
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