Create professional slide shows that can include charts, drawing objects, text, multimedia and a variety of other items.
Listingan diperbarui:13 Januari 2024
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This is a program to create professional slide shows that can include charts, drawing objects, text, multimedia and a variety of other items. You will be able even to import and modify Microsoft PowerPoint presentations.

The presentations can be enhanced with 2D and 3D clip art, special effects and transition styles, animations, and advanced drawing tools.

Its main features are:
•    Extensive presentations template repository
•    Easy-to-use drawing and diagramming tools
•    Look at your slides in different viewing modes
•    Powerful Slide Show tool

The file formats supported are:
- Microsoft PowerPoint 97/2000/XP (.ppt)
- Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx)
- LibreOffice ODF presentation (.odp)
- OpenOffice ODF presentation (.odp)

Note that this webapp contains advertising.
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