Presentation Enhancer uses AI to help make your presentations better.
Pozycja zaktualizowana:28 listopada 2023
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3 tys.+
Presentation Enhancer uses AI to make your presentation better. Integrating with OpenAI’s ChatGPT, this add-on from Matik is like your AI assistant when it comes to improving an existing presentation deck. It even helps with presentations that are data-driven, and include charts and tables. No more having to come up with critical content yourself, just use Presentation Enhancer to get you started and make sure you don’t miss anything!

All content created by Presentation Enhancer can easily be edited using Google Slides.
Presentation Enhancer is completely free and can be used with any Google Slides presentation (as long as it’s in Google Slides, it can help you!).
Presentation Enhancer is great for internal and external facing decks. It can be used by any team including sales, customer success, marketing, finance, data analytics and executive.
This is great for any presentation, including and definitely not limited to:
 - Quarterly business review
 - Executive business reviews
 - Renewal deck
 - Internal account review
 - QBR one-pager
 - Pitch deck
 - ROI calculator
 - Value analysis
 - Benchmarking report
 - Monthly check in
 - Client kick off
 - Implementation deck
 - Onboarding deck
 - Business case
 - Weekly marketing metrics review
 - Financial report
 - Board deck
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Aplikacja Presentation Enhancer będzie potrzebowała dostępu do Twojego konta Google
Pozwoli to aplikacji Presentation Enhancer na:
Wyświetlanie, edytowanie, tworzenie i usuwanie wszystkich Twoich prezentacji z Prezentacji Google
Wyświetlanie, edytowanie, tworzenie i usuwanie wszystkich Twoich arkuszy kalkulacyjnych z Arkuszy Google
Wyświetlanie i uruchamianie treści internetowych firm zewnętrznych w okienkach i na paskach bocznych aplikacji Google
Łączenie z usługą zewnętrzną
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