Search and find marketing statistics to add credibility to your content.
Дата оновлення:31 січня 2023 р.
PrimoStats for Google Docs™ makes it easier for content marketers to add credibility to their content. You can search and add stats without leaving your Google Docs™.

Our searchable database includes thousands of curated marketing statistics. You can filter through more than a dozen industry topics, such as eCommerce, social media, and customer experience. Each statistic includes the source link and publication title. 

No more grabbing stats from outdated roundup posts. Get access to the latest stats from reputable sources. That way, you save time and create better content.

Key Benefits
- Quickly find marketing stats without leaving your Google Docs™
- Filter stats by topic, source, and year
- Get the stat with the source link and publication title
- Add one or more stats to your Google Docs™
- New stats added weekly to searchable database

How It Works
- Install PrimoStats for Google Docs™
- Click ‘Add-ons’, ‘PrimoStats’, and then ‘Add Stats’
- Search and filter stats
- Click stat(s) you want to add
- Click ‘Add Selected Stat’
- Selected stat, source link, and publication title are added to your Google Docs™

You need a Professional or Business membership to use PrimoStats for Google Docs™. Sign up at

Please contact us with your questions and feedback at

About PrimoStats
PrimoStats helps content marketers find stats faster. We’re a searchable database of curated marketing statistics. Save time researching with stats from reputable sources.

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Політика конфіденційності
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