Calculate SaaS metrics from subscription data: MRR, New MRR, Expansion, Contraction, Churn, LTV (Lifetime Value), ARPU (Average Revenue Per User), Churn Cohort.
Pozycja zaktualizowana:8 marca 2022
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The app calculates well-known SaaS metrics from your subscriptions data.

Prepare your data in a recognized format. Include Customer ID, start date, end date and monthly value of subscriptions. Once you have it ready you can calculate SaaS-related subscriptions based on it.

With Probe we show you:
 * New MRR - how much MRR is from new customers on a given month
 * Expansion - how much MRR was added from existing customers
 * Contract - how much MRR was lost due to downgrades (but not including churn)
 * Churn - how much MRR was lost due to churn - customer completely resigning from all your services
 * Lifetime Value - what is the average amount of money the customer will pay you throughout their lifetime
 * Average Revenue Per User - how much MRR, on average, you get from a single customer

NEW! You can also understand how your product adoption changes over time with Churn Cohort Analysis.
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Status przedsiębiorcy nieokreślony
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Warunki korzystania z usługi
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