Simplifying your company's or institution's purchase orders
Tiedot päivitetty:12. helmikuuta 2022
4 t.+
Procurelist makes it easy for your organisation to handle all your Purchase Order processing and manage suppliers/vendors within a single platform.

Companies and institutions can use this software to easily create purchase request, send request for quotation to vendors, compare and award PO, create receipts and receive invoices directly from vendors.

Within Procurelist, you can invite your vendors to easily keep your team up-to-date with all the order updates.

It helps you in managing your spending with budget planning. You can even manage your inventory, raise stock request and get updates when your items are low -- all of which can be accessed from this cloud-based app.

Procurelist keeps all your team members up-to-date and reduces data inaccuracies, making your entire process run smoother.

Utilise all the time and money that you have saved by focusing more on your growth while leaving the administrative work to be handled on Procurelist.

Join Procurelist today and see for yourself!
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