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Prodsmart helps manufacturers and fabricators to track shop floor activity and achieve paperless production through mobile and IIoT. We turn any production plant into a digital smart factory. Prodsmart’s Manufacturing Execution System (MES) allows you to eliminate all the paperwork load, reduce waste and scrap and increase efficiency.We use smartphones and tablets as sensors, allowing you to immediately acquire data from the factory floor and get instant results.
1 тис.+
Prodsmart helps manufacturers and fabricators to track shop floor activity and achieve paperless production through mobile and IIoT.
We turn any production plant into a digital smart factory.

Prodsmart’s Manufacturing Execution System (MES) allows you to eliminate all the paperwork load, reduce waste and scrap and increase efficiency.We use smartphones and tablets as sensors, allowing you to immediately acquire data from the factory floor and get instant results.

Our system allows you to:
- Understand the status of your shop floor in real time
- Eliminate all the paperwork
- Improve lead time and cycle time
- Reduce scrap rates and waste
- Find the bottlenecks in your production process
- Keep up with the planning
- Predict and prevent delays
- Know where you are wasting raw material
- Know where and when unnecessary downtimes are happening

Turn you shop floor into a digital smart factory in a matter of minutes
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prodsmart.comСтатус продавця не вказано
ПідтримкаНе доступно
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