ProjectSheet summarizes several aspects of project management in a spreadsheet, both textual and visual. The aspects which you need to manage depend on the type of project and on what you like to control, like end date, budget. You can add your own aspects as well. In the free version of the add-on you create tasks with start and finish dates and keep track of the progress. The optional Pro version adds calculations for task duration, work hours, resources, costs and chaining of tasks. You can try the Pro version with a 10-days free trial. 饾棯饾棔饾棪 The start of project planning is to decompose the project scope in a multi-level Work Breakdown Structure of tasks by indenting tasks, resulting in tasks and summary tasks. The summary tasks combine the information of its subtasks. Summary tasks can be collapsed/expanded for overview. 饾棢饾椂饾椈饾椄饾椂饾椈饾棿 饾榿饾棶饾榾饾椄饾榾 (饾棧饾椏饾椉) Tasks can be executed in a sequential order by chaining them as a waterfall. The start and finish dates are (re)calculated taking task duration, weekends and holidays into account. 饾棜饾棶饾椈饾榿饾榿 饾棸饾椀饾棶饾椏饾榿 The Gantt chart shows the start and finish dates of a task as a bar against a time scale. The timescale can be changed in order to show the entire project or parts in more detail. Milestone tasks can be added to divide the project scope in phases with decision points in between. 饾棩饾棽饾榾饾椉饾槀饾椏饾棸饾棽饾榾 (饾棧饾椏饾椉) Resources are shared between all tasks by assigning them as needed. The costs per (summary) task and work type resource are calculated based on the hourly rate of the resource and the work hours per task. The work hours can be linked to the duration of the task. 饾棧饾椏饾椉饾棿饾椏饾棽饾榾饾榾 When executing the project you track it by stating the progress percentage per task. The Gantt bar shows the progress visually. Options for progress indication give color alerts in text or Gantt chart for progress and delay. 饾棳饾椉饾槀饾棫饾槀饾棷饾棽 饾棽饾槄饾棶饾椇饾椊饾椆饾棽 饾槂饾椂饾棻饾棽饾椉饾榾 See the YouTube video for the free WBS breakdown, Gantt chart and progress features and the ProjectSheet channel for Linking tasks and Assigning resources.