Supercharge Your Data Tasks with PromptLoop's AI Automation, web browsing, categorization, chatGPT AI models, Custom LLMs, Market Research, and more.
Дата оновлення:2 лютого 2024 р.
35 тис.+
PromptLoop is the ultimate AI data automation platform designed to empower teams in conducting efficient and extensive online research. Ideal for investors, consultants, and anyone involved in mass data tasks, it enhances your team's productivity by automating manual tasks, reducing errors associated with manual web scraping, and uncovering actionable insights from complex data sets. By enabling direct integration with Google Sheets and Excel, PromptLoop can perform data enrichment and AI operations on every row of a dataset within an hour – thereby reducing data acquisition time and cost significantly.

PromptLoop's main offerings include:

Automated Data Tasks: With the Autoloop feature, you can schedule AI data automations on every row of your dataset. The results are delivered to your inbox in record time, saving you from scrolling through several websites manually.

Custom Tasks: Customize AI models to extract insights, enrich data, and generate tailored reports for your business. This includes classification of websites or companies, content summarization, lead enrichment, and more.

Spreadsheet Integration: Apply AI operations directly to your Google Sheets and Excel data in real-time to streamline your workflow.

Collaboration in Real time:
Thanks to the cloud-based nature of the platform, PromptLoop allows teams to collaborate in real time, enhancing synergy and productivity. With in-built chat and commenting features, you can gather instant feedback and make data-driven decisions quickly. 

Save Time with Automation:
PromptLoop's Autoloop feature automates repetitive data processing tasks, allowing you to focus on analysis and decision-making. From classifying websites to summarizing content and extracting specific data points, PromptLoop handles it all.

Work Anywhere, Anytime:
PromptLoop's seamless integration with Google Sheets and Excel means you can work from anywhere, at any time. Whether you're in the office or on the go, you can access and manage your data tasks effortlessly.

Custom Tasks for Unique Business Needs:
Every business is unique, and so are its data needs. With PromptLoop's Custom Tasks, you can tailor AI-driven automation to meet your specific business objectives. Whether it's web scraping, data analysis, or creating custom datasets, PromptLoop adapts rapidly to meet your goals.

Set your team up for success by leveraging the power of AI in your data tasks with PromptLoop. Additional features include:

- Drag and Drop Data Enrichment and Custom Tasks
- Seamless Spreadsheet Integration
- Real-time Analysis and Decision Making
- Customizable AI Models for Unique Insights

Since its inception, PromptLoop has been committed to revolutionizing the way businesses handle data tasks. For more information, visit Start for free today and supercharge your web research and data tasks with PromptLoop.
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Додаток PromptLoop: AI in Sheets™ запитає наведені нижче дозволи. Докладніше
Додатку PromptLoop: AI in Sheets™ буде потрібен доступ до облікового запису Google
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