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Train AI with data in Google Sheets. Use it as API.
Дата оновлення:3 лютого 2025 р.
2 тис.+
Training and managing AI models can be time-consuming and usually requires domain experts. With our Google Sheets addon, domain experts can focus on continuously improving AI models directly within Google Sheets, freeing up developers to handle integration and app development.

Promptrepo is the ideal solution for startup and agile teams who like to move fast in the AI era:

➤ No-code AI Training and Management: Use Google Sheets to train AI models effortlessly. Domain experts can manage and improve models without needing developer assistance, ensuring your AI remains up-to-date and relevant.

➤ Flexible Model and Vendor Switching: Easily switch between different AI models and vendors to suit your specific needs. This flexibility allows you to find the best solutions for your classification, extraction, or generation tasks.

➤ Seamless Integration: Once trained, integrate your AI models into your applications using our simple API. Developers can quickly deploy updates without extensive rework, making the process efficient and streamlined.

➤ Enhanced Data Piping: Collect, manage, and analyze data within Google Sheets. Our addon provides a user-friendly interface for domain experts to handle data without technical barriers.

Promptrepo offers a free trial for new users, with paid plans for advanced features and increased usage.

Explore more about Promptrepo by visiting our website or contact support@formfacade.com for further inquiries.

Додаткова iнформацiя
ЦіниБезкоштовна пробна версія
Політика конфіденційності
Умови використання
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