If your job is YouTube video/channel analytics, you will save tons of time with PStat.
Ändrades senast:16 augusti 2022
Fungerar med:
If your job is YouTube video/channel analytics, you will save tons of time with PStat. It’s a Google Sheets add-on which transfers Youtube statistics on videos and channels directly to your spreadsheet. The add-on works automatically – just paste a Youtube URL into specific column of your spreadsheet and PStat will transfer statistics of the Youtube channel or video directly into your document. The add-on allows to refresh pasted data so your spreadsheet will be up-to-dated with the latest Youtube items stats without re-adding them.

PStat transferring the following Youtube videos data into your spreadsheet:
Views, Likes, Comments, Title, Description, Channel Title, Channel ID, Published, Thumbnail, Thumbnail URL, Duration, Licensed, Active Now, Viewers Live, Stream Start Time, Time Live broadcast end time, Live stream scheduled start time, Live stream scheduled end time, Available captions, Tags.

And the following Youtube channels data:
Susbcribers, Number of videos, Total views, Title, Description, Posted, Thumbnail, (Medium, Default, High Quality) Thumbnail URL.

How to use PStat add-on:
1. After PStat add-on installation to Google Sheets, select menu "Extensions" → "PStat Tracker" → "Get Started". .
2. Wait a few seconds for the main menu to load.
3. Go back to menu "Extensions" → "PStat Tracker" and start using it.
4. Add video IDs/channel IDs to the "URL" column of the spreadsheet to start tracking statistics.
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