Easily design and build beautiful newsletters for Gmail using our easy to use editor and templates.
Дата оновлення:6 червня 2022 р.
93 тис.+
Use this plugin to send beautiful newsletters with Gmail.

While this plug-in is still supported we suggest you use our Chrome extension instead if possible: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/publicate-chrome-extensio/hmpdpbbhbakffcdddgopmbhmfnlddken?hl=en

Designing and building newsletters in Publicate couldn’t be easier. Choose from 100’s of professionally designed, mobile responsive templates or simply drag and drop to create stunning emails.

With our easy to use editor you can customise the entire look and feel of every element in your email, crop and resize images on the fly and add dynamic content like videos, tweets and web pages.

Publicate also has an inbuilt content library so you can choose from 1,000,000s of high quality images and design assets to build the perfect newsletter.

See deep analytics from every newsletter you send. Get insight into the opens, clicks and which content is more popular.

Publicate is perfect for all your newsletter needs. Whether you are sending out a weekly team update, a research roundup or a company newsletter, with Publicate you’ll easily be able to get it looking right and return the results you want.

Find out more at https://publicate.it
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