Map, validate, and clean data in Google Sheets™ – regardless of the file format
Ändrades senast:1 juli 2024
Fungerar med:
Importing external data into Google Sheets™ can be painful. It often requires manual data reformatting, complex import templates, and building custom scripts.

Cut off 90% of the time you use for importing messy data. Scale your data imports with AI-powered data mapping, validation and cleaning.

Connect to any data source within minutes and set up recurring clean and validated data import. Ensure efficient import process for all stakeholders.

Intelligent column matching
Set your mappings once and bypass mapping on future uploads. We use historical mappings across your entire use base to intelligently suggest the best mappings to your user

Import Link
Offer external users or your customers a seamless data import experience and allow only clean and validated into your Google Sheets™ and Google Drive™.

Annotated Google Sheets™
You can easily invite or share the imported Google Sheets™ with shareholders.

Powerful validations
Pulter’s powerful library of validators guarantees perfect data every time.

Advanced validation with hooks
Very messy data? No problem. Split columns, API validation, merge rows and more with our Validation Hooks feature.


After installing our add-on for Google Sheets™:
1) Add the header row to your Google Sheets™. These headers are essential for Pulter to work properly
2) Once you've added the headers, open the Pulter Google Sheet™ add-on
3) Pulter will automatically assign a string data type to all your headers. If needed, you can change the data types for any of the headers to number, date, select, regex, etc
4) Now you can import a CSV file using Pulter, You can also set up a schedule to automate the importation of data

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➤Get started with Pulter

We offer 2 weeks free trial and you can cancel your subscription anytime from the Pulter dashboard.
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