Use the QA Assistant to help you proofread your documents.
Eintrag aktualisiert:16. April 2024
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The QA Assistant makes the process of QAing a novel or other piece of writing easy!

This add-on displays common proofreading-related issues and errors, along with the number of occurrences of each issue. Whenever possible, it provides regexes which you can use to search your document for those issues.

It does:
▸ check for common typos
▸ check for common punctuation errors
▸ check for commonly confused words
▸ prefer American spellings
▸ use Merriam-Webster's preferred spellings

It does not:
▸ make changes for you
▸ alter your document in any way
▸ store any of your data
▸ view any of your data, apart from the document it's installed in

■ This is a personal project for which I am not being paid, and is offered free of charge.

■ Please view the project website for more information.

■ If you like this tool, consider dropping a donation to say thank you!
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Die App „QA Assistant“ benötigt Zugriff auf Ihr Google-Konto
Dadurch erhält QA Assistant die folgenden Berechtigungen:
Dokumente abrufen und verwalten, in denen diese Anwendung installiert wurde
Externe Webinhalte in Aufforderungen und Seitenleisten in Google-Anwendungen anzeigen und ausführen
Primäre E-Mail-Adresse Ihres Google-Kontos abrufen
Personenbezogene Daten aufrufen, einschließlich aller Daten, die Sie öffentlich zugänglich gemacht haben
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