Qalam is your smart writing assistant.
Дата оновлення:10 серпня 2023 р.
5 тис.+
Qalam is your smart writing assistant.  

Qalam Chrome Extension will enhance your writing by checking the spell mistakes and suggest appropriate words depending on the context of the text

💡 Why Qalam?

Do you face trouble writing a free misspelled Arabic text? Qalam will help you with that. Qalam Chrome Extension will support you with several tasks to make sure that your writing is consistent and accurate. 

Qalam will be:

- Checking for common mistakes in writing in Arabic.
- Carefully checking the proper writing of Hamzah.
- Solving the confusion between ا (Alf) and ى (Yaa Maqsorah).
- Deleting duplicate characters randomly.
- Dealing with typos.
.. And many other mistakes and spelling rules.

☀ What is Qalam?

Qalam was built using artificial intelligence to assist the user in Arabic writing. It utilizes the NLP techniques to check the misspelled or miss-put word and suggest the proper correction for it. 

🖊 How Qalam Works?

The tool places a red label under the wrong words, and when you click on it, it will display the suggested words depending on the context. You can also ignore the error by pressing the button: "Ignore"
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