Best app for creating high quality image of Barcode, QR and print them online
Дата оновлення:1 березня 2025 р.
1 млн+
This add on  makes barcode, QR Code creation really easy and enjoyable, you create, resize and insert them with a single click.
+ Support more than 100 barcodes type including Point Of Sale, Two-dimensional symbols, One-dimensional symbols, Supply Chain, GS1 DataBar, Postal Symbols, Pharmaceutical Symbols, Less-used Symbols, GS1 Composite Symbols, Raw Symbols, Partial Symbols, for example GS1 Data Matrix
+ Customize barcodes attributes such as format,value, color, label, label font,...
+ Customize QRCode attributes such as content, fill color, background color, label, label position, label font, image, ...
+ Your friend, partner can scan QR which contains your telephone number so they can call or send SMS directly
+ You can save setting so you will create QR Code and barcode very quickly
+ Generate QR Code for accessing WIFI network. Therefore, user can scan it to access WIFI network automatically (
+ Share your Docs™, Sheet™, Drive™ file online via QR
+ Create beautiful QR signature (
+ If your QR Codes contains a website URL, you can track how many users click using Bitly or Google Analytics™ (please view for how to track)
+ Print high quality images online via Docs™
+ If QR Code label is too long, please choose Mode "1-Label-Strip" and Error Correction Level "High" 
+ Insert logo, image into branded QR Code
+ Save Barcode, QRCode to file and you can paste to Excel™, Word™, or powerpoint™ (right click on image and choose 'Save Image As' menu)
+ Support two lines, multiple lines barcode. For example, you want to print two lines value, insert \n between two lines, for instance example\n123
+ Support multiple languages
+ Create for vCard business card, event, meeting so your coworkers, friends, partners can scan it via mobile device
For scanning QR, we highly recommend using the Iphone™ Camera app if you have been using Iphone™ or Ipad™. For Android™ phone, we recommend using the Google Lens™ app
If Paypal™ is not available in your country. Please contact for alternative payments
+ During the trial period, you can generate codes with a limited number of scans (set randomly for each trial). This allows you to experience the features and benefits of our add-on at no cost.
+ To enjoy unlimited scans and unlock the full potential of the add-on, we invite you to upgrade to the premium version. 
+ If you see this warning "ScriptError: Authorization is required to perform that action", please follow this link for fixing this issue
+ If you only see help menu after installing, please refresh the Docs™ file and you will see the add on's menu
Resources and Tutorials
➩ YouTube video tutorial:
➩ Help:
➩ Email Support:
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