You can share your Google Classroom ™ and calendar™ event via high-quality QR Code easily
Дата оновлення:2 січня 2024 р.
2 тис.+
Create and  customize QR Code for your Google Classroom ™ and calendar™ event easily. You can insert logo to your QR Code. Students and teachers can scan the QR Code to join the class. Your friends, colleagues can scan QR Code and add the Event to their iphone or android calendar easily. Moreover, they can customize QR Code such as adding a logo, change label, etc.
How to create a QR Code for Google classroom ™:
+ Go to classroom website
+ Click on Invite link and copy link
+ Copy link and paste to Google Classroom ™ URL and create QR Code
+ Resize QR on the fly without changing their high quality images
+ Insert logo, image into branded QR Code
+ Insert label and change position and size of label on the go
+ Share Google Calendar™ event via one-click
+ Create a QR Code for a website address (for example, a public Calendar™ URL)
+ If you use the label for qr code so you should choose H-High for errorcorrection level and 2-Label-Box for Mode if you use QRCode Label. if you use this configuration, qr code can be scanned normally.
For scanning QR, we highly recommend using the Iphone Camera app if you have been using Iphone or Ipad. For Android phone, we recommend using the Google lens app
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Додатку QR Code for Classroom ™ & Calendar ™ буде потрібен доступ до облікового запису Google
Після цього додаток QR Code for Classroom ™ & Calendar ™ зможе:
Перегляд події, які відкривали в Google Календарі
Запуск додатка як доповнення для Календаря
Під’єднання до зовнішніх служб
Перегляд країни, мови та часового поясу
Переглядати основну електронну адресу облікового запису Google
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