Seamlessly integrate QuickBooks with Google Sheets! 🌟
Informações atualizadas:22 de abril de 2024
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QuickBooks Connect for Google Sheets - Your Ultimate Accounting Solution! 🚀📈

This powerful add-on allows you to effortlessly import essential data like accounts, invoices, and detailed reports into Google Sheets. Streamline your accounting with easy data transfer and analysis. 🔍💼📊

Effortless Integration: Connect Google Sheets to QuickBooks in a snap. Enjoy a streamlined setup process that gets you up and running quickly. 🌐🔌

Comprehensive Data Import: Import a wide range of data including accounts, invoices, financial reports, and more directly into Google Sheets. Tailor the import to meet your unique business needs. 💹📝

Real-Time Updates: Stay up-to-date with real-time data syncing. Make decisions based on the most current financial information. 🔄⏰

Customizable Reports: Generate and customize reports to gain valuable insights into your financial health. Use these insights for informed decision-making. 📊🔍

User-Friendly Interface: Navigate with ease thanks to a user-friendly interface. No advanced technical skills required! 🖥️✨

Secure and Reliable: Trust in a secure connection that protects your sensitive financial data. Experience reliable performance without disruptions. 🔒🛡️

Efficient Collaboration: Share your financial data with team members or stakeholders directly from Google Sheets. Enhance collaboration and productivity. 👥🤝

Automated Workflows: Save time with automated data entry. Reduce manual effort and focus on what matters most in your business. 🔄🛠️

Support and Updates: Benefit from dedicated support and regular updates, ensuring your add-on stays compatible and efficient. 🆘🔄

QuickBooks Connect empowers you to make the most of your financial data within Google Sheets. Simplify accounting, gain insights, and drive business growth! 🌟💼📈


2024-02-07 - Added date filters for Profit and Loss Reports

2024-02-09 - Added date filters in Reports for Account List, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow, Customer Income, General Ledger, Class Sales, Customer Sales, Department Sales, Item Sales, and Vendor Expenses

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