Quiz Banker creates student-ready editable quiz and answer documents based on an item bank of over 3,675 state exam questions.
Fiche mise à jour le :10 avril 2024
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30 M+
The New Visions CloudLab Quiz Banker add-on supports New York State secondary teachers in generating quizzes based on past Regents exams. By drawing on a bank of items in Google Docs™, Quiz Banker allows teachers more time for critical tasks, such as identifying and analyzing student learning needs and planning responsive day-to-day lessons. Teachers can sort and filter questions based on Common Core domain, cluster, and standards. Each question is also aligned to New Visions’ free and open source curriculum (https://curriculum.newvisions.org/), making it even easier for teachers to plan in response to evidence of learning. Check out the add-on now and see how it can help prepare your students for success!
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