Quiz Publisher - A Sheet add-on for teachers to create Google Form quiz from Spreadsheet questions and then publish the quiz as an Assignment in Google Classroom, in seconds.
Ändrades senast:14 oktober 2021
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An add-on to Google Sheets that helps classroom teachers to: 
- create a Google Form quiz or quizzes from a question database
- uses the Google Sheet spreadsheet to store multiple question types and answers 
- supports publish of the generated quiz as a Google Form in a G-Suite for Education Classroom assignment; to multiple classes at a time
Google Form Quiz settings are made once, and then applied to all subsequent generated quizzes.

The tool supports multiple question types (drop down, multiple choice, paragraph and checkboxes) with automatic calculation of question points.
A quiz can be created by selecting specific rows or by choosing one or more named groups of questions from the Spreadsheet data
For publishing, there is automatic calculation of Google Classroom classes that the user teachers, which can be multi selected as the target for quiz publishing as an assignment.
Unlimited numbers of correct or incorrect answers can be created for each question.
Randomisation of answer order (as well as question order.
Correct and incorrect feedback can be added for each Google Form question.
Questions can be set mandatory or optional in the quiz.

To support the teacher, an example question sheet can be generated as frequently as required.
Because the process can be completed in a few seconds, it enables Assessment of Learning, Assessment for Learning, Exit Tickets, Starter Quizzes.
Because the teacher can select specific rows of questions to generate the quiz from, retesting (in real classroom time) is possible based
Because the process leverages GSuite for Education standard tools (Google Sheets, Google Forms, Google Classroom) the process aligns with standard Google Classroom operations:
- Google Classroom Assignments
- Google Form auto marking and score calculation
- Progress strengths and weakness review and retest
- Exporting of results as CSV

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Quiz Publisher behöver åtkomst till ditt Google-konto
Detta ger Quiz Publisher behörighet att:
Visa, redigera, skapa och radera alla dina filer på Google Drive
Visa och hantera dina formulär i Google Drive
Se, redigera, skapa och radera alla dina kalkylark i Google Kalkylark
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Visa, redigera, skapa och radera permanent klasser i Google Classroom
Hantera kursarbete och betyg för elever i Google Classroom-klasserna som du undervisar och visa kursarbete och betyg för klasser som du administrerar
Visa e-postadresser för personerna i dina klasser
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