Teamwork simplified
Range reduces coordination costs with thoughtfully designed tools for status updates, meetings, and goals.

With Range, you can align high-level goals with what’s happening on the ground, so that everyone has insight into how projects are progressing. Set quarterly goals, review them in weekly meetings, and log work as it happens with quick status updates.

[ Status updates done right ]
Written updates help everyone know what’s happening with fewer meetings. Range makes sharing updates incredibly easy with smart suggestions from the tools you already use.

[ Meetings with less busywork ]
A little structure can go a long way to making a better meeting. Range helps you run structured meetings, assign action items, check in on past tasks, and send out notes.

[ Goals you can finally track ]
Goals are critical to your success, yet they’re often scattered across documents and hard to find. Range keeps goals top of mind and makes them easy to track.

[ Team building that really works ]
Range helps teams build trust through daily questions designed by expert coaches to get everyone working better together. You’ll have a blast getting to know your teammates, their working styles, how they approach feedback, and more.


“As a rapidly growing startup, our product team was in clear need of better cross team communication and collaboration. Range was instrumental in filling that need.” — Shu Lai, Head of Design at Coursera

“The team building questions give us the opportunity to connect on a personal level. They help our leaders model vulnerability and develop empathy.” — Thomas Chung, Co-founder at Verdigris
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Перегляд інформації про ваші файли на Google Диску
Перегляд і завантаження даних усіх календарів, до яких ви маєте доступ у Google Календарі
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