Insert cells from Google Sheets™ into Google Docs™ - changes in the spreadsheet will be reflected in the doc. Enjoy data integrity and peace of mind.
Ändrades senast:26 maj 2024
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23 tn+
Introducing a Google Docs™ plugin designed to seamlessly integrate Google Sheets™ spreadsheet cells into your documents. This powerful tool synchronizes data between your spreadsheet and document, ensuring accuracy and integrity. Streamline your workflow and boost efficiency by reusing formulas and variables across both platforms.

Key Features:
- Intuitive Side Panel: Access your spreadsheet conveniently within the Google Docs™ side panel for easy navigation.
- One-Click Insertion: Select any cell and insert its value directly into your document at the current cursor position.
- Real-Time Updates: Any changes you make in your spreadsheet are automatically reflected in your document, guaranteeing up-to-date and accurate data.
Ytterligare information
REACTIVEDOCS - Embed live sheet data in doc frågar efter de behörigheter som visas nedan. Läs mer
REACTIVEDOCS - Embed live sheet data in doc behöver åtkomst till ditt Google-konto
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