This extension removes clutter from web pages to enhance their readability. The extension uses Mozilla's Readability library as the engine to provide similar experience from what you get if you are on the Firefox browser. After installation, a button is added to your Chrome toolbar area or Opera's address bar. Pressing this button once opens the current page in the "Reader View" mode. You will notice the button's color will be changed to orange while you are in the reader view mode. Clicking on this orange button or pressing the back button of your browser closes the "Reader View" mode and restores the normal rendering mode. Since the extension uses history API, the page scroll position and the entire session is restored when "Reader View" mode is terminated.
Ändrades senast:6 mars 2023
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Reader View extension brings Mozilla's open-source Readability implantation to Chromium. Using this extension you can strip clutters 
from webpages and read them on "Reader View" mode. The extension allows you to toggle between normal view and reader view by pressing the page-action button.

Using navigation buttons in left sidebar you can simple save your Reader View on your Computer's hard drive or right in your Google drive.

Try our software now. Its 100% free to use, and you can access the test results onto your hard drive or Google Drive.

Main features:
1. Fullscreen reading
2. Advertisement removing
3. Save in HTML format
4. Text to Speech (TTS)
5. Move to the next and previous pages
6. Keyboard shortcuts for almost all actions
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Reader View behöver åtkomst till ditt Google-konto
Detta ger Reader View behörighet att:
Se, redigera, skapa och radera enbart de filer på Google Drive som du använder i appen
Se den primära e-postadressen för ditt Google-konto
Visa dina personliga uppgifter, inklusive personliga uppgifter som du har gjort offentliga
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