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Real-time and historical intraday (1-minute) price for global equity; 30+ years of stock fundamentals, analyst estimates, ETF holdings and much more.
Listing updated:March 9, 2025
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Finsheet is the ultimate financial data provider for Google Sheets, offering institutional-grade data which is being used by hedge funds and investment banks all around the world.

We provide access to 30+ years of financial statements, 25+ years of analysts' estimates + EPS/Sales surprises and precomputed financial ratios for 47,000+ global companies. We also have 30 years of historical intraday (1-minute) data for US market updated in real-time, 15-minute delayed LSE data and End-of-day tick-level data for international markets. You can also access live and historical data from 10+ forex brokers and 15+ crypto brokers with up to 1-minute resolution. Additional features include: technical analysis, alternative data, options pricing, etc...

*** If you encounter an error when installing, it is likely that you have multiple Google accounts logged in. Solution: open an incognito window, log in just 1 account and install our add-on, then go back to your original window to use the add-on.


To get Stock Price in Google Sheets, use these functions:
=FS_Latest( "AAPL")

=FS_EquityMetrics( "AAPL" , "revenue" , "FY" , 3)
=FS_EquityFullFinancials( "AAPL" , "bs" , "FY" , 3)
=FS_EquityCandles( "AAPL" , "1" , "1631022248" , "09/15/2021")

=FS_CryptoCandles("POLONIEX:BTC_ETH", "D", "1631022248", "09/15/2021")

=FS_ForexCandles("OANDA:AUD_SGD", "D", "1631022248", "09/15/2021")

=FS_EtfCandles("VOO", "D", "1631022248", "09/15/2021")

Mutual Funds
=FS_MutualFundCandles("VTSAX", "D", "1631022248", "09/15/2021")

Technial Analysis
=FS_PatternRecognition("BINANCE:BTCUSDT", "60")
=FS_PatternRecognition("VOO", "D")
=FS_AggregateIndicators("TSCO.L", "D")
=FS_TechnicalIndicators("AAPL", "60", "sma", "08/01/2021", "08/15/2021", {"timeperiod", 3; "seriestype", "c"})

Alternative data
=FS_EarningsQuality("AAPL", "annual")
Additional information
PricingFree of charge
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Stock Price in Google Sheets | Finsheet will ask for the permissions shown below. Learn more
Stock Price in Google Sheets | Finsheet will need access to your Google account
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Nancy Hall
July 31, 2022
this app is great, I has been YHFINANCE app for a while and this one is just so much better. They have a tons more of data for the same price and the doc is actually helpful, unlike YHFINANCE's doc which is basically unreadable
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Robert Z
November 14, 2022
Why does it say free of charge? Every day it gives me no data, but it says Rate limit reached in free plan.
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Josh Smith
July 3, 2022
Great addon, it has all the data I need. The price is a little expensive compared to some other options but for me it is worth it because of the data quality and ease of use
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Kishor Mayani
May 19, 2023
I installed it but it do not open
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