The Realvolve Reporting add-on pulls data from the Realvolve Property and Transaction databases to build custom reports.
The Realvolve Reporting add-on pulls property, transaction and contact data from your Realvolve account into Google Sheets.   This data can then be used for lookup tables, query commands, counts, sums and more to generate the reports needed for your business reporting.

Sample cell formulas:

Count all Realvolve property data that has a specific status between a specific date range where status and date ranges are fields in the spreadsheet.
=COUNTIFS('Realvolve Property Data'!$B:$B,$A6,'Realvolve Property Data'!$I:$I,$B$5,'Realvolve Property Data'!$A:$A,">="&$C$2,'Realvolve Property Data'!$A:$A,"<="&$C$3)

Sum all Realvolve property data that has a specific status between a specific date range where status and date ranges are fields in the spreadsheet.
=SUMIFS('Realvolve Property Data'!$F:$F,'Realvolve Property Data'!$B:$B,$A6,'Realvolve Property Data'!$I:$I,$B$5,'Realvolve Property Data'!$A:$A,">="&$C$2,'Realvolve Property Data'!$A:$A,"<="&$C$3)

The data located in the 'Realvolve Property Data' tab is pulled from the specified Realvolve account using the add-on.  Anytime a new report is needed simply refresh the 'Realvolve Property Data' using the add-on and the spreadsheet formulas will be updated automatically.
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Додатку Realvolve Reporting буде потрібен доступ до облікового запису Google
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