The Rebo Google Sheets add-on provides tools to help you track and manage your UK investment portfolio, with the latest up to date pricing information, and asset class breakdowns for over 35,000 funds, ETFs, stocks, pensions and other assets.
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The Rebo Google Sheets add-on provides tools to help you track and manage your UK investment portfolio, with the latest up to date pricing information, and asset class breakdowns for over 35,000 funds, ETFs, stocks, pensions and other assets.

The 'Find Security' dialog lets you do a quick search for the security or asset you are looking for, and enter the ISIN, ticker or Rebo Id directly you into your spreadsheet.

Some handy Rebo functions can be used in your spreadsheet to pull in the latest data for a given security:

REBO_CLOSING_PRICE - The closing price from the last available day for a security
REBO_CLOSING_PRICE_DATE - The date of the closing price
REBO_NAME - The security or asset name
REBO_COMPOSITION - A breakdown of the different asset classes that the security is composed of.
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