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Recruiterflow is a recruitment CRM/ATS built for recruiting and staffing agencies that helps you stay productive and automate your workflow. Recruiterflow is a modern applicant tracking and recruiting software for staffing and recruiting agencies. Now you can source candidates with our chrome plugin, run email nurture campaigns to get the great talent in the door, have powerful email automation that helps you deliver a superior candidate experience and manage clients. Recruiterflow is designed for simplicity and productivity. On an average a customer increases their placements by 15% and saves atleast 5hours/day/user.
18 tn+
Recruiterflow is a recruitment CRM/ATS built for recruiting and staffing agencies that helps you stay productive and automate your workflow.

Recruiterflow is a modern applicant tracking and recruiting software for staffing and recruiting agencies. Now you can source candidates with our chrome plugin, run email nurture campaigns to get the great talent in the door, have powerful email automation that helps you deliver a superior candidate experience and manage clients. Recruiterflow is designed for simplicity and productivity. On an average a customer increases their placements by 15% and saves atleast 5hours/day/user.
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Recruiterflow behöver åtkomst till ditt Google-konto
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Hantera utkast och skicka e-post
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Visa dina personliga uppgifter, inklusive personliga uppgifter som du har gjort offentliga
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