Send & receive SMS directly from Gmail. Combine the ease of email with the efficiency of SMS.
Listelemenin güncellendiği tarih:13 Nisan 2022
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Genel Bakış
Send & receive SMS directly from Gmail. Combine the ease of email with the efficiency of SMS.

Red Oxygen for Gmail users can send and receive messages within their native Gmail application on PC or mobile phone.

•Seamless Gmail Integration: To write an SMS, simply click the “New SMS” button in the Gmail Add-ons Ribbon. Your outgoing message will be delivered to a recipient's mobile device as an SMS. A copy of the message will be stored in your Gmail Sent folder. Recipients can hit Reply and their response will be delivered to your Inbox.

•Send to any of your Google Contacts: Select name(s) from your Google address book.

•Instant Reply: Type instant replies to your incoming SMS messages directly from inbox through Gmail SMS add-on.

•Getting Started: Use your existing Red Oxygen account ( or sign up for a free trial (
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Red Oxygen SMS for Gmail uygulamasının Google hesabınıza erişmesi gerekir
Bu, Red Oxygen SMS for Gmail uygulamasının şunları yapmasına olanak tanır:
Eklenti çalışırken e-posta iletisi meta verilerinizi görüntüleme
Gmail eklentisi olarak çalıştırma
Sizin adınıza e-posta gönderme
Kişilerinizi görme ve indirme
Harici bir hizmete bağlanın
Birincil Google Hesabı e-posta adresinizi görme
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