Referencer allows you to cross-reference and auto-number figures, tables, and section titles using built-in Bookmarks in Google Docs.
Fortegnelse opdateret:24. september 2021
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Referencer is a cross-referencing add-on for figures, tables, and section titles in Google Docs. When your Google doc contains numerous sections, figures, and tables, numbering and referencing them can be tedious and error-prone. Updating these objects can be even worse. Referencer takes care of the process like a breeze.

To auto-number your section titles, please follow three simple steps:

1. Format your section titles as headings.
2. Run "Auto-number headings" from the menu of Referencer.
3. Heading is a built-in style for titles in Google Docs. 

You can change headings to the style that you want. If you need help with using headings in Google Docs, please visit

To cross-reference your figures, tables, and section titles, please follow three simple steps:

1. Insert a bookmark at the beginning of the title of a figure, table, or section title.
2. Insert a link in the main text where you want to reference the bookmark.
3. Run "Update References" from the menu of Referencer.

If you have several objects that need cross-reference, you need to repeat the first two steps to cover all objects before running the 3rd step. Bookmarks are built-in functions in Google Docs. If you need help with using Bookmarks in Google Docs, please visit

To remove all cross-references, just run "Remove References" from the menu of Referencer.

To report an issue, please visit
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