RCM easily inserts in-text citations and bibliography into your document.
Pozycja zaktualizowana:14 stycznia 2025
Współpracuje z:
247 tys.+
RefWorks Citation Manager for Google Docs™ allows users to easily add in-text and footnote citations to documents while auto-generating bibliography. Choose from any of our thousands of citation styles and watch your citations and bibliography update themselves.

What to learn more about RefWorks? Visit https://refworks.proquest.com/learn-more/

To utilize RefWorks Citation Manager for Google Docs™ you must first obtain a RefWorks account.

Limited Use Requirement Disclosure
RefWorks Citation Manager's use and transfer of information received from Google APIs to any other app will adhere to Google API Services User Data Policy [1], including the Limited Use requirements.

[1]: https://developers.google.com/terms/api-services-user-data-policy
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Aplikacja RefWorks Citation Manager będzie potrzebowała dostępu do Twojego konta Google
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Wyświetlanie dokumentów, w których zainstalowano tę aplikację, i zarządzanie nimi
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