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Instantly verify Google Form answers with your reference value(s) and send E-Mails accordingly. Periodically remind freely selectable recipients to answer Google Form questions.
Listing updated:December 3, 2023
Works with:
✪ Notification
Define who will be informed, if the form answer matches with your notification value(s) or if any answer is given.

✪ Reminder
Define who will be informed how many days after the last submission of your selected form question. 

___more MaintainApp functions___
★ PreReminder
★ Escalation Reminder to separate recipient(s)
★ Limit evaluation
★ Threshold evaluation

✅ Inform people when form answers match your criteria
✅ Inform people to answer your questions with link to your google form
✅ Send up to 100|1500 Emails (Consumer|GSuite)* per day to (multiple) freely selectable recipients
✅ MaintainApp functionality for 5 questions
✅ Equip up to 10 spreadsheets with MaintainApp functionality

✅ Process more questions with MaintainApp functionality
✅ When 10 or more questions are processable, the Email signature >>> Google Sheets Add-on MaintainApp <<< will disappear.

🤔 Can I modify the reminder / notification Emails according to the Form answers (of the past) ?
🤔 How to send reminder mails only once per week ?

All our Add-ons are free of charge with full functionality. 
We do have upgrading options though.
For MaintainApp you can add processable form questions.
Just get in contact with us for more details.

Submit your EMail address at:
Enter Promotion Keyword: MaintainApp
Instantly receive a Lisence Key to process 15 questions in total

*All limits are subject to elimination, reduction, or change at any time, without notice
**This promotion is only valid for limited time

#LEAN #TPM #GEMBA #PreventiveMaintenance #Maintenance #ErrorReport #ErrorForm #5S #Notification  #OperationalExcellence #OPEX #Communication #Management #ShopFloor #GoDigital #digitization #GoogleForms #GoogleSheets #Notification for Google Forms #Promotion #PreReminder #Reminder #Escalation #Notification #Limit #Threshold #गूगल रूपों #गूगल शीट #גיליונות גוגל #טפסים של גוגל #formulários #folhas #MAX | MAil eXtractor #Form Sync
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Reminders + Notifications for Forms | MaintainApp will ask for the permissions shown below. Learn more
Reminders + Notifications for Forms | MaintainApp will need access to your Google account
This will allow Reminders + Notifications for Forms | MaintainApp to :
View and manage your forms in Google Drive
View and manage forms that this application has been installed in
See, edit, create, and delete all your Google Sheets spreadsheets
View and manage spreadsheets that this application has been installed in
Allow this application to run when you are not present
Send email as you
See your primary Google Account email address
See your personal info, including any personal info you've made publicly available
Associate you with your personal info on Google
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Brian Miller
July 8, 2020
Does what it says, runs reliable without any error up to now. Needed some time to figure out how to fill out the <settings> sheet properly though. Youtube tutorials and add-on description helped.
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Samson Assefa
December 9, 2020
Samson Assefa Gebrehiwot
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