Instantly verify Google Form answers with your reference value(s) and send E-Mails accordingly. Periodically remind freely selectable recipients to answer Google Form questions.
Oppføring oppdatert:3. desember 2023
Fungerer med:
✪ Notification
Define who will be informed, if the form answer matches with your notification value(s) or if any answer is given.

✪ Reminder
Define who will be informed how many days after the last submission of your selected form question. 

___more MaintainApp functions___
★ PreReminder
★ Escalation Reminder to separate recipient(s)
★ Limit evaluation
★ Threshold evaluation

✅ Inform people when form answers match your criteria
✅ Inform people to answer your questions with link to your google form
✅ Send up to 100|1500 Emails (Consumer|GSuite)* per day to (multiple) freely selectable recipients
✅ MaintainApp functionality for 5 questions
✅ Equip up to 10 spreadsheets with MaintainApp functionality

✅ Process more questions with MaintainApp functionality
✅ When 10 or more questions are processable, the Email signature >>> Google Sheets Add-on MaintainApp <<< will disappear.

🤔 Can I modify the reminder / notification Emails according to the Form answers (of the past) ?
🤔 How to send reminder mails only once per week ?

All our Add-ons are free of charge with full functionality. 
We do have upgrading options though.
For MaintainApp you can add processable form questions.
Just get in contact with us for more details.

Submit your EMail address at:
Enter Promotion Keyword: MaintainApp
Instantly receive a Lisence Key to process 15 questions in total

*All limits are subject to elimination, reduction, or change at any time, without notice
**This promotion is only valid for limited time

#LEAN #TPM #GEMBA #PreventiveMaintenance #Maintenance #ErrorReport #ErrorForm #5S #Notification  #OperationalExcellence #OPEX #Communication #Management #ShopFloor #GoDigital #digitization #GoogleForms #GoogleSheets #Notification for Google Forms #Promotion #PreReminder #Reminder #Escalation #Notification #Limit #Threshold #गूगल रूपों #गूगल शीट #גיליונות גוגל #טפסים של גוגל #formulários #folhas #MAX | MAil eXtractor #Form Sync
PriserUten kostnad
Ikke næringsdrivende
Vilkår for bruk
Reminders + Notifications for Forms | MaintainApp kommer til å be om tillatelsene som vises nedenfor. Finn ut mer
Reminders + Notifications for Forms | MaintainApp kommer til å trenge tilgang til Google-kontoen din
Dette gir Reminders + Notifications for Forms | MaintainApp tillatelse til å:
se og administrere skjemaene dine i Google Disk
se og administrere skjemaer denne appen er installert i
opprette regneark og se, endre og slette alle regnearkene dine i Google Regneark
se og administrere regneark denne appen er installert i
tillate denne appen å kjøre når du ikke er tilstede
sende e-post som deg selv
se den primære e-postadressen for Google-kontoen din
se den personlige informasjonen din, inkludert personlig informasjon du har gjort offentlig tilgjengelig
knytte deg sammen med den personlige informasjonen din som du har lagt ut offentlig
Sorter etter:
Google bekrefter ikke anmeldelser eller vurderinger. Finn ut mer om anmeldelser
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