RepliQ for Google Sheets™ enables users to create personalized videos, AI texts or images at scale from Google Sheets™. With this add-on, you can automate video, text or image creation using the data in your spreadsheet, making it ideal for scaling your cold outreach. Features: Initialize Video (or another similar option): Set up your Google Sheets™ for personalized video creation. Start Process: Process and generate personalized videos, AI texts or images for each row in your Google Sheets™. Settings: Configure your API key and other preferences. Permissions: Spreadsheets: To read and write data from Google Sheets™. External Requests: To interact with external APIs for video generation. Script App: To manage triggers and settings within your Google account. User Info: To identify and verify user credentials. How to Use: 1. Install the RepliQ for Google Sheets™ Add-on from the Google Workspace Marketplace. 2. Open a new or existing Google Sheets™ and navigate to RepliQ for Google Sheets™` from the menu or sidebar. 3. Select `Initialize Video` (or another similar option) to set up your sheet for video creation. 4. Fill in the necessary data in your sheet, such as recipient details and custom variables. 5. Select `Start Process` to start generating personalized videos, AI texts or images for each row in your sheet. 6. Access your videos, AI Texts or images directly from the links generated in your sheet.