Fetch data from Ad , Analytics and Social Channels to Google Sheets™. Join data from multiple sources, and compute cross channel metrics effortlessly.
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Đã cập nhật trang thông tin:4 tháng 1, 2024
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Tổng quan
ReportDash add-on for Google Sheets™  helps to fetch data from various marketing channels to Google Sheets™.
The add-on is intended for digital marketers and digital marketing agencies to automate reporting across various marketing channels. 

The add-on has native connectors to 25+ data sources including some of the most popular Ad networks, Social media platforms, and analytics platforms. 
The add-on has native connectors to web analytics tools like Google Analytics™, Hubspot etc. It can fetch data from marketing platforms like Google Ads™, Bing Ads (Microsoft Advertising), Facebook Ads , Linkedin Ads, Twitter Ads, Snapchat Ads, Google My Business™ etc.
It supports fetching data from social channels like Facebook, Instagram, Youtube™, Tiktok, Twitter, Pinterest, Reddit etc.
It also has integrations with Email marketing platforms like Mailchimp, Klaviyo, Constant Contact etc., and with display advertising platforms like Criteo, AdRoll, AdForm etc.
For a full list of data sources, visit https://www.reportdash.com/integrations.html

The add-on works along with the ReportDash app - https://www.reportdash.com/ 
First, users need to authorise the add-on to fetch data on their behalf from the required third party datasources.Then, in the add-on, users can create data fetch queries by specifying the data source account, and the required metrics and dimensions.  The add-on would then contact the ReportDash app with the query configuration, which in turn would use the official api of the specified data source to fetch the data. The data is then returned to the add-on, which would then update the Google Sheets™ sheet.

The add-on also allows to blend data from multiple data sources, and perform a wide range of custom computations, before taking the data to Google Sheets™. Data blending and manipulation can be done with in the add-on using an interface designed for non-programmers. This allows users to merge data, and compute cross channel metrics without writing any functions.

The addon is ideal for users looking for alternatives to Supermetrics™, SyncWith™, 2 Minute Reports™, Adveronix etc

ReportDash  add-on takes data privacy seriously, and requests the minimum of permissions needed. It just requires the permission to read and write the file in which the add-on is used. 

The pricing is as described here https://www.reportdash.com/#pricing , with 14 days free trial.
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