Generates a report for you as an administrator of all Hangouts user activity within your domain. Reports4Hangouts offers you a complete overview of Google Hangout usage in your Google Apps domain. It allows you to explore details on the number of Hangouts, the number of participants, the duration and the types of devices that were used. Reports4Hangouts gives insight in the adoption of Google Hangouts in your organisation. Easily create your own trend report to monitor adoption over time.
Nhà phát triển:G-workplace Apps
Hoạt động với:
82 N+
Tổng quan
Reports4Hangouts offers you a complete overview of Google Hangout usage in your Google Apps domain. It allows you to explore details on the number of Hangouts, the number of participants, the duration and the types of devices that were used. Reports4Hangouts gives insight in the adoption of Google Hangouts in your organisation. Easily create your own trend report to monitor adoption over time.
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G-workplace AppsChưa xác định trạng thái bên giao dịch
Hỗ trợKhông có
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Xem, chỉnh sửa, tạo và xóa tất cả bảng tính của bạn trên Google Trang tính
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Xem địa chỉ email chính cho Tài khoản Google của bạn
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